From book reviews to Savannah running resources and catch-all articles, here’s a mix of information and opinion that might clutter the more educational portions of the site.

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Healthy Snack Prep: 5 to Try

Sometimes a slice of cheese or piece of fruit will suffice, but having some yummy, nutritious snacks around helps keep my hands out of bags of potato chips or TH’s supply of Oreos or doughnuts.

Marathon Measures #3 [Hal Higdon Intermediate 1]

Marathon Measures #3: I'm recapping my third month of training using the Hal Higdon Intermediate 1 Plan. My 3rd marathon, the Savannah Rock 'n Roll Marathon is in 31 days. I have a goal time of 4:15. Warning: The Marathon

Hal Higdon Plan Reviews

I used a few of the popular Hal Higdon training plans early in my career. Afterward I reviewed these free and well-balanced plans.

Book Reviews

10 Things to Do After a Run

As workouts get tougher, it becomes harder to arrive at the next one fresh and ready for more training. Although it is important to practice running on tired legs, doing it every single run does more

Running with an Unpredictable Schedule

It's hard to run with an unpredictable schedule. Running takes time. Not just the miles, but the prep and the clean-up. It's not something easily picked up and set down like TV or reading. How do you plan

4 No Mat, Short Yoga Videos

Happy Friday! In my 12 Tips If You're Too Busy for Yoga, I mentioned pairing a short yoga sequence to a specific time of day, such as lunch or bedtime. Here are 4 short YouTube yoga videos that

Zombies, Run! Review

Today, I’ve got a Zombies, Run! review. Zombies, Run! is an immersive audio adventure/fitness phone app (iPhone and Android) developed by Six to Start and Naomi Alderman. I have no affiliation with Six to Start or the

Savannah Related

Healthy Snack Prep: 5 to Try

Sometimes a slice of cheese or piece of fruit will suffice, but having some yummy, nutritious snacks around helps keep my hands out of bags of potato chips or TH’s supply of Oreos or doughnuts.

Marathon Measures #3 [Hal Higdon Intermediate 1]

Marathon Measures #3: I'm recapping my third month of training using the Hal Higdon Intermediate 1 Plan. My 3rd marathon, the Savannah Rock 'n Roll Marathon is in 31 days. I have a goal time of 4:15. Warning: The Marathon

All Resources and Reviews

Post-run chicken wings

After my 19 mile run: TH: I left a few chicken wings in the kitchen. Don't eat them. I'm going

Newbie learns about sleep

January always seems like a good time for experimentation. Everyone is making resolutions and trying to live healthier lives. Last

2015 Year Recap

The year was not what I was expecting. At the beginning of the year, the company I worked for sent