I went downtown with RBM and one of my close friends for Halloween. I was Mario riding Yoshi. RBM was Luigi.

Oakley thought Yoshi would make a pretty cool brother.

Yoshi and Oakley

Yoshi and Oakley

Yoshi started as a pinata that my sister brought me on my wedding day (because I complained that TH did not want a pinata at the reception). I secured him to a cardboard box and he was surprisingly sturdy.

Mario & Yoshi

Mario & Yoshi

Yoshi was a good dancer, although he needed a bit of clearance.

We, of course, posed in front of the game store.



Yoshi enjoyed dinner with us, wearing my friend’s Dryad mask, because – paparazzi. We actually did get several photo requests during the night.

Yoshi in disguise

Yoshi in disguise

Yoshi was a great companion. I see why Mario likes him so much.

Yoshi selfie

Yoshi selfie

What did you do for Halloween?

Did you get any trick or treaters?

We never do.