My foot injuries still boggle professionals, but now I’m advised to stay off my toes. Can standing on your tip toes cause injury?

During my running, I’ve been having pain in both feet. I’ve been treating it as plantar fasciitis, but it doesn’t have the classic heel pain.

My left foot has a tweaking pain behind the big toe where the arch and ball of my foot meet. My right foot pain jumps to different parts of the arch, a more general pain.

The podiatrist suggested it may be flexor hallucis longus (FHL) tendonitis, which is a typical ballet dancer injury. He asked what the heel-to-toe drop of my shoes were — 10mm, on the higher end.

Then, he told me to stay off my toes. I sort of brushed it off, but then throughout the day realized how often I’m depending on tiptoes.

Tall people may wonder why such advice would be necessary.


Can Standing on your tip toes cause injury? Photo by John Markos O'Neill from San Francisco, California (tiptoes) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

My life (wikimedia/O’Neill)

It’s necessary.

I’m 4’11” if you ROUND UP. The world was built for taller people.

It’s how I use the gas and brake pedals in the car.

I get on the balls of my feet to use the clothes dryer, the stove, the cabinets, the top shelf of the fridge.

When I sit down, my heels don’t touch the ground, but the balls of my feet do.

I will stand on the balls of my feet while I converse with people!

Can standing on your tip toes cause injury?

My friend told me one of her short friends shortened her Achilles tendons by standing on her tip toes constantly. While I doubt that I’m suddenly injured because I’m short, I may be hindering my own healing process. I’m trying to be more cognizant of keeping my heels on the ground!

Was the world built for your height?