Marathon Measures #4: Recapping the last weeks of training before tapering using the Hal Higdon Intermediate 1 Plan. My 3rd marathon, the Savannah Rock ‘n Roll Marathon is in 11 days. I have a goal time of 4:15.
Warning: The Marathon Measures series has a lot of numbers that will only interest data-lovers, those deep into long-distance training, or those comparing training plans. Get up to date with Marathon Measures #1 and #2 and #3.
Just 3 weeks to recap before the taper. The two longest runs of 20 miles topped their weeks off at 43 miles/week. (Week 11 had 44 miles with an 18 mile long run). Week 14 in the middle had fewer miles to give time to recover and build strength.
I only cross-trained one day of the three. I did at-home yoga sessions, rolling, running drills, and physical therapy exercises for my hips and feet.
Marathon Measures #4 [Hal Higdon Intermediate 1]
Missed Runs
I shortened the 8 mile run in week 13 (among some other changes) to switch things up. I felt bored and my legs felt tired. It was the right decision, but I didn’t know I’d miss more runs later.
Afterward, I missed 3 runs and shortened another when I evacuated for Hurricane Matthew and rolled my ankle.
Week 13, I ran 37.5 miles of 43.
Week 14, 14 miles of 35 (missing the 12 mile long run completely).
Week 15, 37.5 miles of 43. (Same as 13. Weird, right?)
I’m disappointed that my highest weekly mileage was less than 40 miles, but it is what it is. The injury was actually well-timed as far as injuries go. I still got in my longest runs.

One of the Oaks claimed by Hurricane Matthew in downtown Savannah
Long Run Check-in
My two 20 mile runs took 3:37 (10:51 pace) and 3:34 (10:41 pace).
I wanted to stay within 60 seconds of my marathon goal pace, which I came pretty close the second time.
I know I’m strong enough to run 26.2 miles. I’m just nervous about doing it at 9:40 pace.
Next training cycle, I will put some of the goal pace runs WITHIN the long run and do tempo runs mid-week.
I’ve got my nutrition plan in place, a mixture of gels, jelly beans, and gummies. The gels seem to give me the best energy, but too many upset my stomach. I practiced the last run with Gatorade, so I know my stomach can handle that if I want some on the course.
Spending those hours outside has been enjoyable. I love thinking, training my brain, listening to podcasts and music. Having them in the cooler fall weather has also been very pleasant. I will miss the super long runs the most after the marathon is over.

Forsyth Park Clean Up
Running in Forsyth Park during Hurricane Matthew clean up was the saddest. Seeing so many ancient trees down together disturbed me. These are just a few that came down in the park.
Marathon Measures #4 Memories & Moments
Favorite moment: My in-laws visited and we all ran together. Oakley really loved having a squad to herd. Also, I enjoyed spending all those long run miles by myself. I like both.
Least favorite moment: Rolling my ankle like a noob who doesn’t know how to walk on rocks.

But it was still a fun hike with TH and Oakley
Further reading:
- Day in the Life of an Amateur Marathoner
- Marathon Measures #1
- Marathon Measures #2
- Marathon Measures #3
- Hal Higdon Intermediate 1 Overview
- Hal Higdon Novice 2 Review
- How to pick a marathon training plan
How sad to see those trees that came down from Hurricane Matthew. 🙁
Congrats on those 20 mile runs! You are so close & I think you’ll do great! Can’t wait to hear all the details.
Seeing multiple down at the park definitely wrenched my heart.
Thanks! I’m ready to run and get it done!
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