With family, travel, shopping, parties, it’s really difficult to get those runs in.
Don’t let the holidays wreck your running! End the year strong.
Here are 6 holiday running tips to make sure that January’s resolution isn’t just to get back on track.
Holiday Running Tips
1. Mornings are your best friend
If you’re not a morning runner, you may want to switch over just for the holidays. And I don’t even necessarily mean waking up earlier than usual (but that helps!).
With family in town, it’s easier to slip out while people are just waking up, enjoying their coffee and the morning paper. It’s harder when everyone wants to watch a movie and eat popcorn, you just got back from a big dinner, or it’s board game time.
2. Remember that it’s time for yourself
Sometimes I don’t want to add the “stress” of trying to fit in a run. I think it’s fine to just spend time with the family and be a good family member.
But I forget that I’m a better family member after I’ve gone out for my run. I’m more energetic. I’m happier. And I am more likely to spend the time together in a valuable way.
I’m an introvert, so that time to myself means that I’m recharging. But regardless of your personality, I bet you feel better after your run than if you skip it.
3. Shorten your runs
Maybe you don’t have time to do your 8 miler on Sunday, but maybe you have time for a few laps around the block before you get to cooking Turkey dinner.
Runner’s World does a Runner Streak every year. You pledge to run at least 1 mile every day starting on Thanksgiving and ending January 1st.
By making it a priority to get out just for a bit, you are keeping your health foremost without becoming too rigid and unavailable.
4. Use the dog as an excuse
Dogs are better behaved after a run, too.
5. Include your family
Remind your relatives that run to bring their running shoes! They might also be feeling the pull between running and the holidays, and will be glad for the encouragement and company.
For family members that don’t run, invite them to go with you to the park. They can walk together and enjoy the fresh air while you pile on the miles. Then you can go home and enjoy the post-workout endorphins together.
6. Sign up for a race
Sign up for a Turkey Trot, Jingle Bell Run, and/or New Year’s Resolution Run. These races won’t just make sure that you run on a holiday, but also that you do a few training runs between them, too.
Often the holiday races have family discounts to get everyone involved. You might be surprised who would like to try a 5K. And if they don’t want to run, maybe they’d like to volunteer or bring a cooler full of hot chocolate to pass out to the racers and volunteers.
Stay Calm and Keep Running
You don’t have to give up running with holidays around the corner.
In fact, if you’re like me, running during the holidays might help you keep your sanity.
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Turkey or ham?
Turkey! Well, more importantly, leftover turkey sandwiches.
Mashed potatoes or green bean casserole?
Yes! But if I had to pick one, green bean casserole.
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